
With the Cubs motto, “De Notre Mieux” !

Youngsters aged 8-10 take on new challenges, outdoors, adventures, exploring a variety of fun activities in social as well as cultural experiences.

Being a Cub is all about growing and discovering in small but in significant ways. Helping others and make a difference, in community and beyond because they learn by doing even in simplest things.

Discovering the basis of Scouting and Human Values

Live the Jungle Book Spirit with the Grand Howl

The Jungle Book Story

A Cubs’ life is based on the Jungle Book written by Rudyard Kipling and introduced by Baden Powell himself.
As a result, he felt that many of the characters from the book were fun and playful, just like Cub Scouts. The important for the boys to have a wise leader like Akela, the wolf. Akela lets Mowgli, the boy, join the wolf pack.

The Cubs Pack

The Cubs is divided into patrols. Each patrol is a part of a Six which consist of smaller group of Cubs headed up by a Sixer and a Seconder. Sixers and Seconders are Cub Scouts who are chosen by Cub Leader Akela, to take on leadership responsibilities within their respective packs.

Firstly, they have both responsibilities to welcome new youngsters to the Pack. Secondly being extra helpful on camp, or taking charge of a certain game or activity.

Cub Scouts are led to live the traditional “Cuboree” Camp which is being held every four years. For this event, all the Cub Scouts from different groups are gathered for a few days to share a unique moment through different activities proposed by the Mauritius Scout Association (MSA).

Join us for an lifetime adventure!

Scouts builds leaders, by enabling youngsters to lead their own path toward outdoor adventure & fun. Discovering the best of themselves. Taking on new challenges & experience. New skill that they would not find elsewhere. Along the way, by developing into well-rounded youth to be better prepared for success in the world


The program consists of the compulsory Core Program which includes “Challenges Badges” and the Optional Program which is, in fact “Activity Badges”.

The Core Program aims to educate the cubs using the Scout Method and through the role-playing games from the Jungle book. For instance, by helping them to fully develop their abilities. Moreover, the Optional Program complements the Core Program by offering a wide range of activities that allow the Cub Scout to discover various areas.

The Cub Scout Law

A cub scout

… always does his best.
… thinks of others before himself.
… does a good deed a day.

Un louveteau

… fait toujours de son mieux.
… pense aux autres avant de penser à lui.
… fait une bonne action quotidienne.

The Cub Scout Promise

I promise to do my best to serve God and my Country. To help my fellows and to observe the law of the pack.

Je promets de faire de mon mieux pour servir Dieu et mon Pays. D’aider mon prochain et d’observer la loi de la meute.

Cubs Scout Uniform

Dark Blue Marine & Yellow
Dark Blue Marine &
Yellow Strip on collar
Dark Blue Marine

Cubs Badges Position


The spirit is there in every boy; it has to be discovered and brought to light

Robert Baden-Powell